3-5 Day Advanced Training
Advanced training is designed for your special deployment needs in addition to the basic two-day training.
- Expert-level analysts and root cause analysis facilitators
- Investigation and interview principles and techniques
- On-the-job RCA training
Advanced training options NOTE: All advanced training options have as their prerequisite the two-day basic root cause analysis training.
- One-day tutored practicum. This training involves individuals or small groups of 2-3 persons using the REASON process to conduct root cause analysis under the guidance and feedback of the REASON instructors. The incidents being investigated by these small groups can either be those provided by us or those provided by your organization.
- Basic principles and techniques of Incident Investigation. This one-day course is an introduction to issues of incident investigation, especially data collection with focus on conducting interviews. It also includes a role-playing activity in which a simulated incident occurs, students conduct interviews of “witnesses” and then conduct a root cause analysis based on information elicited from the interviews.
- Instructor-guided “on-the-job training.” This training would involve students conducting real-time root cause analysis investigations of incidents or problems that the organizations have actually experienced. The instructor would act as consultant and advisor to the student, who would actually be leading and facilitating the root cause analysis meeting. It is available for one, two or three days.
- Management orientation. The goal of this 2-hour to 1-day session is to provide managers with a basic understanding of REASON. It will equip them to understand the model and the report elements.
Three-day Training
Includes a basic two-day training and a third day in one of the advanced training options.
Four-day Training
Includes a basic two-day training and a two additional days in some combination of the advanced training options
Five-day Training
Includes a basic two-day training and a three additional days in some combination of the advanced training options