Facility Wide

Facility-wide deployment of the REASON integrated root cause analysis, corrective action tracking and lessons learned system enables all personnel of a facility to join hands to form a network for continuous operations improvement.

  • It puts into the hands of every employee at the facility the most advanced problem solving method and software tool for finding the root causes of operations problems . The REASON software is the ideal tool for implementing a facility-wide deployment of root cause analysis capability. The scalable process provides a risk assessment step that examines the seriousness of your problem and matches it with an appropriate level of analysis, so that you dont waste time and effort in conducting an elaborate analysis of minor issues, but at the same time have the immediate capability to conduct a no stone unturned analysis when faced with a major problem. All shop floor personnel can be empowered and trained to solve in-department problems with the FrontLine root cause wizard that takes only 15 minutes to resolve an issue. Supervisors and engineering personnel can get a quick handle on operations problems using the Express mode. Quality, Safety and Compliance professionals can conduct more formal root cause analyses with REASON in Pro mode when the organization must pinpoint, analyze and document solutions for all causal input to a major problem.


  • It provides the facility with an internal computerized system for assigning, scheduling and tracking corrective actions projects . Once the root causes of a problem have been identified, that information flows into an integrated corrective action tracking system that provides utilities for management of projects, from the first step of assigning responsibility, to writing and approving an action plan, to assigning task responsibilities, to establishing schedules and monitoring progress with email notices and reminders, to verifying and documenting completion of the project.


  • It enables all personnel to share the knowledge learned from solving their operations problems . As problems are solved with REASON, the information flows into the REASON Lessons Learned System. The knowledge gained about how the problem happened, what caused it and what was done to remedy the problem is available for access by all employees when faced with an on-the-job need for information. The system also networks employees in order to facilitate communication of key knowledge. Employees submit a profile of issues and concerns that affect their job safety and performance. REASON watches incoming data and when a factor in a case matches the job concerns of an employee, an automatic email alert is sent to that individual so that early developing problems can be dealt with before they develop into more significant situations and risks.


  • Facility-wide implementation of REASON provides all of the tools, training, maintenance and both technical and consulting support essential to establish and sustain a successful facility root cause analysis program with an eye to efficiency and cost-effectiveness.